What is the best way to install python

What is the best way to install python

Day-02 (this series : Core Python and fundamentals)

offical website of python : python.org

-> Downloads => download the python interpreter. (easy installation)

extra = In windows you can use the git bash for linux cmds

\=>Python is an interpreted language

when python migrated from python 2 to 3 then there are lots of break throughs. So python community takes care of python 3 for backward compatabilities.

Check whether python installed on not.


windows OS = in cmd you can write python to interpret. (terminal)

Mac OS

mas OS = already python 2 is present in the systems. you can install python 3.

Various IDE or Places to write code.

VS code IDE

whenever you write first python code. It suggest for pyhton extension. Install it.

Naming Convention in Python

Naming convention in python code (used by py community)

Google Colab

\=You can write code in google colab and save the notebook


Anacode IDE


lot more other online IDE'S are also present




First Code

Functions in python

def means defination.

indentations are important in python.

lets import function to another file

Execution in terminal

Thanks to Chai aur Code @youtube by hitesh choudhary sir.
